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John Groves

Here’s a little bit about me. The date is 1/30/2011

1.       My name is John Groves. Oddly enough, very few people actually call me just John. I guess it’s such a generic first name that they like to give me some flavor. Call me what you will. I’m currently an RTF major, but I am probably going to transfer into something else. I participate in the Speech team at UT, and my favorite event that I compete in is Dramatic Interpretation. Reflecting on this, I would have to say that the reason I compete is to make other people feel emotions; to laugh or cry with me in whatever I am experiencing. It takes a lot of work, especially considering the fact that I’m not that great, but I’m prepared to do what it takes to get better.

2.       I’m in my dorm. I’m sitting on my bed, which has been unmade for the past two days. Directly across from me are two posters hanging from a teal wall. The first is The Shawshank Redemption, a great movie. The second is from Spring Awakening, a great musical. To my right are my guitar and a collection of books and LP’s, as well as my DVD collection which, albeit small, is in my opinion pretty damn sexy. It includes Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog, which, if you haven’t seen it, is a fantastic black comedy/musical. I have no idea what’s outside my window (it’s probably a shitty view). And I guess that’s it! Yay!

3.       Like most, I’d like to settle down with a nice girl and have lots and lots of unprotected sex. But not till much later in my life. Much, much later. I have no idea what field I’d like to be in, but I would love to work for Google. I also plan on spending five years in New York or London after college to try and make it as a theatre actor. Yeah, I’m gonna need some serious luck considering I’m short and have the face of a twelve year old boy.

4.       I’m going to have to go with two for this one. Enjolras, the leader of the student rebellion of 1832, is a character from the musical/novel Les Miserables. He’s a charismatic youth who leads a handful of students to their deaths in an effort to rally the rest of the populace into fighting against a corrupt regime. He dies alone at the top of the barricade, waving the crimson flag while surrounded by is the bodies of his friends, shouting for freedom in the face of death because that is the only thing he can do.  I don’t care if that sentence was structurally flawed. Shit’s just poetic. Because of that character, I will stand up in what I believe in. And physicist Richard Feynman is a COMPLETE bad ass. Just thought I’d let you know.

5.       This is a hard question, one that I can’t really answer. I love older games. Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Genesis, and my absolute favorite: PSX RPG’s. Recently, I’ve been playing through the Ocarina of Time, Valkyrie Profile, and Xenogears, and they’re all super awesome. As an aside, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the Ocarina of Time was actually pretty funny, which is something that I never noticed as a kid.

6.       I don’t tell many people this, because it makes me sound like a crazy. One of my big dreams in life is to travel to countries all over the world and pick up a skill. Like blacksmithing in Scotland, or running with the Tarahumara Indians. I’ll probably never be able to do this, but it’s something I think could be cool. I also really love comic books. I’m not weird, I swear!

6 responses

  1. Coraline2020

    Wow, this is alot to interpret lol

    1) Your DVD collection is indeed very awesome
    2) Your comment on unprotected sex is not wise or logical.
    3) Your dream of going and traveling sounds simply amazing! Don’t let people say you are a crazy for it. Traveling builds character and can really help define a person. Go for it.

    January 31, 2011 at 4:06 am

  2. Dr. Horrible was excellent, and much like everything Joss Whedon does, ends on an unexpected note. Anyone reading this should watch Firefly, another excellent series he produced that was cancelled before it should have been.

    I tried reading Les Miserables once in junior high, but it was WAY too dense for me at that time. I should go back and give it another read, as is true for most classic books.

    I would like to travel as well, just pick up everything and move to another country, learn a new skill and experience more things. Specifically for me, I’d like to go to Japan and be an artist or calligrapher, though I don’t have much skill at art sadly.

    February 1, 2011 at 4:46 am

  3. Traveling around the world is definitely on my life long wish list. I love walking around in different cities and countries. It feels so good to experience the daily life of a new place.

    I know it must cost a lot traveling around, so I am dreaming about having short-term jobs in different places. However, I know it is just a dream. Getting a good job and saving money for travel is more realistic.

    February 2, 2011 at 6:18 am

  4. alemke

    Richard Feynman + Ocarina of Time = good

    Can you hear the people sing?

    February 3, 2011 at 7:13 am

  5. alemke

    Singing the songs of angry men.

    February 3, 2011 at 7:14 am

  6. Harris Rudman

    This is definitely the most awesome post. I love the bit about traveling the world and picking up some random skill. Keep life spontaneous, brotha!

    February 6, 2011 at 9:18 pm

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